Friday, June 24, 2016



1. Structure every activity

         Lean Is A System Not An Event
         Standardize everything that is done
         Make it a way of life not a “flavor of the month”

2.Clearly connect each customer and supplier

         Every connection must be standardized & direct, clearly specifying the people involved, the form & quantity of the goods & services to be provided, the way requests are made by each customer & the expected time in which the request will be met
         No gray zones in deciding who provides what to whom & when

3.Specify and simplify every flow

         Product, Material & Information should flow along a simple, specified path

         Do not flow to the next available person or machine but to a specific person or machine

4.Improve through experimentation at the lowest level possible towards the ideal state

     For people to consistently make effective changes, they must know how to change & who is responsible for making the changes
         See every problem as an opportunity to focus and move toward the ideal state
         Decision making at the point of activity 

1 comment:

  1. Lean is the way to identify the deviation between current state & the require standard. Then we have the opportunity for continuance improvements. This project will really help to improve our self as well as become the benefitted people of positive changes.
